All the Reasons Why You Should Love Bats

Bats are one of the most amazing mammals in the world! For instance, did you know that bats are the ONLY mammal on the entire planet that can fly? Sure, there are “flying” squirrels and other mammals that mimic flying; but these species are really just floating, drifting, gliding, or soaring with wind currents. Bats are the only mammals that are capable of true flight. But interesting facts like this is not the only reason why so many people like us love bats so much. There is plenty more they offer that makes them a magnificent and valuable species!

Continue reading to learn why you should love bats too!

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Fruit Bats are great pollinators!

Bats are Ecologically Important

Bats play a vital role in our surrounding Eco-system, and in countless more across the globe. They contribute to our local economies in various aspects, and even make our outdoor living environments a much nicer place to be. Here is why:

Bats are Excellent Pest Control

Have you ever noticed how comfortable your backyard can be when enjoying the nice, evening air? That is partly due to the colonies of bats living nearby. A single bat can consume more than one thousand flying insects, such as mosquitoes and gnats. And since bats are not solitary mammals, you can expect hundreds of bats darting and diving for insects all night long. That is an incredible amount of pest control, and all for free!

Bats Pollinate Our Crops and Gardens

Just like many other types of animals and insects, bats too help distribute pollen and other rich organic matter, which in turn provides a significant contribution to our local crops and gardens. It also makes our landscaping full and healthy, every spring and summer. This pattern of pollination also positively impacts our local economies in many ways.

Bats Stimulate Our Local Economies

Because bats are great a pollination and pest control, our crops and yields are much better in quality, nutrition, and appearance. This, in turn, helps local farmers and harvesters sell their goods and keep healthy, local foods in their community. It also creates jobs since more help is needed to farm and distribute annual crops.

Bats are So So Cute!

Have you ever seen a picture of a furry Little Brown bat? They are very adorable, especially as pups. How can you not love bats for this reason? If you do some more research, you will find thousands of species, all in a wide array of colors, wingspans, sizes, and unique attributes!

Solutions for Nuisance Bats

Of course, bats can also be a nuisance, even though they don’t mean to be. When land over-development and other contributions affect bats natural habitats, they tend to look for shelter anywhere they can. In many cases, this is our homes and buildings. But never worry! You can hire a licensed Kentucky bat removal and control company for safe and non-lethal abatement services at an affordable price.

Licensed Bat Removal and Control in Louisville, Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 to speak a licensed professional regarding bat removal services in Louisville, Kentucky. Our DNR licensed and insured wildlife control experts also offer a wide range of residential and commercial bat cleanup and damage restoration services, including decontamination, fumigation, structural damage repair, preventative maintenance, post checkups, and more. We may also be able to provide bat damage insurance claim work depending on your particular policy and carrier.

Learn About Endangered Bat Species

Bats are miraculous mammals; that’s right, mammals. In fact, they are the only mammal that is capable of true flight! This is just one fascinating fact about bats, so you can imagine just how fun it can be to learn about them. For instance, there are two main categories of bats: Microchiroptera and Megachiroptera. Microbats are the more common nuisance bat, smaller in size and strictly insectivores (excluding the Vampire bat). Megabats are much larger in body size and wingspan, and dine primarily on the nectar of fruits.

Several species of both bats span regions far across the globe, and some species have been around for millions of years. Unfortunately, as a result of man-kind over-development and environmental disease, many species of bats are also now extinct, while many others are endangered today. Continue reading to learn which species of bat are endangered, and what to do if you have bats on your property.

Bats Close to Extinction

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) manages an index of endangered animals called the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In 2009, the red list contained 77 species of endangered and critically endangered bat. But with recent and on-going assessments, it is likely that this number has since increased.

Endangered and Critically Endangered Species Include:

Trident Leaf-nosed Bat Aselliscus tricuspidatus
Broad-toothed Tailless Bat Anoura latidens
Mindanao Pygmy Fruit Bat Alionycteris paucidentata
Borneo Fruit Bat Aethalops aequalis
Palawan Fruit Bat Acerodon leucotis
White-striped Free-tailed Bat Austronomus australis
Golden-capped Fruit Bat Acerodon jubatus
Western Naked-backed Fruit Bat Dobsonia peronei
Madagascan Fruit Bat Eidolon dupreanum
African Straw-coloured Fruit-bat Eidolon helvum
Pacific Sheath-tailed Bat Emballonura semicaudata
Horn-skinned Bat Eptesicus floweri
Clear-winged Woolly Bat Kerivoula pellucida
Southern Red Bat Lasiurus blossevillii
Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus
Indiana Bat Myotis sodalist
Fish-eating Bat Myotis vivesi
White-lined Broad-nosed Bat Platyrrhinus lineatus
Mountain Long-eared Bat Plecotus macrobullaris
Black-bearded Tomb Bat Taphozous melanopogon
Little Forest Bat Vespadelus vulturnus
Asian Particolored Bat Vespertilio sinensis

This particular list is only a fraction of endangered and critically endangered bat species. For a complete list, check out the IUCN Red List and type “bats” in the search bar.

If you are experiencing bat problems on or around your property, call a licensed bat removal and control company for safe and humane exclusion services.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 when you need affordable bat removal services in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed and experienced bat exclusion contractors that provide a wide range of services to get rid of bats. Our services include minor attic restorations for bat damages and bat cleanup as well! Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville Bat Removal and Control you can trust.

Can I Keep a Wild Bat as a Pet?

In today’s society, it is certainly more popular to own exotic pets than it ever has been before; even though the records show it isn’t always a great idea. When it comes to pet bats, there are societies and exotic pet breeders that sell bats as pets; however, it takes thousands and thousands of years to successfully domesticate a wild animal. Domestic dogs date back all the way to the caveman days!

So no matter how many years a person has been breeding bats, or any wild animal, there is no guarantee that they will adapt well to domestication. Continue reading to learn the details behind whether or not you can, or should, keep a wild bat as a pet in your home.

Bats are Protected Under Law

In most states and jurisdictions, bats are a protected species and cannot be harmed, trapped, captured, or disrupted in any way. If you are caught in a state that does not allow wild animal domestication, you can be fined up to one thousand dollars or more. In some cases, people can even lose their privileges of pet ownership altogether if animal cruelty is suspected. In these areas, a person must retain proper licenses and permits to keep wild bats and other animal in captivity. This is typical for zoos, scientific organizations, and wildlife rescue foundations. These facilities must prove that they are providing a “sanctuary” and an apposite habitat lifestyle for the animals.

Even though there isn’t a need for another reason why a person really can’t keep a wild bat as a pet, there are more of them. For example, bats are primary known carriers of the rabies virus. A simple, quick, and sometimes unnoticeable, bat bite can transfer to illness to a pet or human and make them very sick. Bats carry other contagious diseases as well; such as leptospirosis, salmonella, Histoplasmosis, bat mites, lice, and more. In general, it is never a good or safe idea to come into contact with wild bats in any way, ever. If you truly love bats, try getting involved in a wildlife organization for bats or bat rescue societies. This way you can make a valuable contribution while admiring the species from afar.

If you see a wild bat near your home, be thankful for the nightly insect control; however, if you think you might already have a bat in your house, attic, or roof, call a professional bat control technician. Be sure to hire a company that uses safe and humane bat control methods.

Bat Control in Louisville, Kentucky

If you need bat control in Louisville, Kentucky, call 502-553-7622 today. We are highly trained and qualified bat exclusion experts that can safely and humanely capture and release wild bats in residential or commercial properties. We retain state of the art equipment and the latest technologies to safely and effectively remove bats from any area. We offer free estimates, DIY advice, discounts, and more. Visit our webpage at for details about our services and company background. For affordable and effective bat control in Louisville, KY, call 502-553-7622 for service you can trust.

The Facts about Rabies and Bats

Bats and rabies are constantly linked together due to horror movies, Halloween, and embellished stories.  The facts are actually different than common belief.  Read on to learn more about rabies and how they affect bats and other mammals as well.

Do All Bats Have Rabies?

The answer is, of course not; not all bats have rabies.  Among the various bat species all over the world, (which makes up more than a quarter of the world’s mammal population), less than two percent are infected with rabies.  In fact, less than ten people in the past 50 years have been reported to have contracted rabies through a bat.  The myth behind bats and rabies stems from movies, books, and rumors.  The truth is, bats are intelligent and helpful creatures of nature, and should be respected and protected as much as possible.

Signs of an Infected Bat

Although not all bats have rabies, they can still carry other infectious diseases just the same as any other animal could.  To determine if a bat is infected, look out for tell-tale signs that point toward danger.  If a bat is seen out during the daylight hours and/or is flying rapidly in an unorganized fashion, this could be a sign that it is sick. The simplest way to explain why is that bats are nocturnal, meaning they sleep at day and come out at night.  It is very uncommon to see a bat during daylight.  Odd behavior like that can represent an ill bat.  A bat will not likely attack, but can bite or lunch if instigated or approached.

Why Are They Helpful?

Bats are insect eaters, and big eaters at that.  In a single evening, a bat can consume nearly 1/3 of its body weight in insects.  That’s like 1000 insects per hour.  So at our cookouts and bonfires, fewer mosquitoes will be out biting because they are being preyed upon by your local bat colonies.

For more information about bats and rabies, contact a professional at 502-553-7622.  We have been removing bats from residential and commercial properties for over 20 years.  Call us today for information, services, and estimates, or visit our Louisville KY Bat Control website anytime!