What is the Difference Between Bat Removal Companies?

When it comes to getting rid of bats and the damages they leave behind, not all bat removal and control companies are the same. There are many divergences among these companies, including experience, resources, skills, knowledge, licensing, reliability, craftsmanship, customer service, and of course, pricing. For a better understanding, continue below.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

It is easier to understand the difference among various levels of bat removal companies when you use a simple car mechanic analogy. For example, car mechanics are a dime a dozen; there are good mechanics and there are mechanics that are not good.

The good mechanic may take longer to schedule an appointment with since they are so busy, and may even cost more money. This is usually because they are a trusted industry service provider with repeat clientele. On the other hand, the bad mechanic may be able to get you in right away, and for a cost that considerably lower than their competitors. This is because they do not have repeat customers and need fast money for overhead costs and accumulating debt.

So what’s really the risk in choosing the bad mechanic over the good one? The good mechanic WILL repair your vehicle, and furthermore, be there for you in the future if something were to go wrong. The bad mechanic MIGHT repair your vehicle, and may also vanish off the face of the planet after they take your money.

How it Applies to Bat Removal

The same analogy applies to bat removal companies. There are good ones, and there are fly-by-the-night companies that do not have a reputation for dependability, longevity, or customer service. Just the same as car repair, bat removal is a significant investment. It is important to choose a provider that is a true industry expert, and adheres to all industry-accepted best practices and all local and federal laws that govern wildlife control.

If you suspect that nuisance bats are roosting inside your home or property, or you have notice habitual bat activity night after night outside of your residence, it is vital that you contact an adept and fully-equipped Louisville bat removal specialist that can deliver real workable solutions that fit your budget.

A Louisville Bat Removal Company You Can Trust

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured bat control contractors who use safe, non-lethal methods of extraction and exclusion. We serve both residential and commercial clients, and at the most competitive prices in town. Emergency 24 hour service is also available. Request a free estimate, today.

How to Relocate a Bat

Handling a bat is never recommended. But sometimes, homeowners are left no choice but to intervene in moments of emergencies. If you have come across a bat in the house or other area of your property, and cannot wait for professional bat abatement services to arrive, it is important to understand how to safely handle and relocate a bat, for the sake of the bat’s protection, as well as your own.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about handling a bat, including Kentucky bat tampering and trapping laws that may concern your situation.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Bat in the House

If you have a bat in the house, you can try the escape and evade method. This involves opening all the windows and doors in the vicinity of the bat, while closing off all others, in order to encourage the bat to simply fly outside on its own. Be sure to separate everyone from the area of the bat, including pets.

Bat in the Attic

If you have a bat in the attic, try the escape and evade approach mentioned above. If you cannot access your attic well enough to open a window or door, you can also try bat abatement service. A professional bat control technician will inspect your property for the bat’s entrance, and then implement methods to make the bat leave and seal up the entry way.

Bat on the Ground

If you find a bat on the ground, whether it is a baby or injured, the best practice is to leave it alone and let nature take its course. However, if you want to relocate it, try using the shoe box method. Place an empty shoe box on top of the bat, put on a pair of heavy-duty work gloves, and then use a shovel or garden spade to gently scoop the bat up.

Next, relocate the bat to a farther-away habitat where it will not pose a threat to anyone. Furthermore, never attempt to rehabilitate an injured bat, nor keep it as a pet. Not only are there laws against this, as exotic animal domestication requires specific government permits and more, it also poses several health and safety threats to you, your family, and pets.

Mother Bats  

Sometimes mother bats carry their pups on their backs, and sometimes, there are too many clung to them. In this case, a mother bat cannot take launch and fly. If you find a mother bat with babies clinging to her, your only approach should be to contact a local wildlife removal and control company for professional intervention. They have the proper resources to ensure the safety and rehabilitation of the bat family.

Dead Bat

If you find a dead bat, whether indoors or outside on your lawn, you can use the same shoe box method given for finding bats on the ground, minus the shoe box. Since the bat is dead, it is not going to attempt to escape, so you do not need to contain it. However, be sure to wear protective gloves and relocate the bat to a faraway area where it can safely decompose.

Kentucky Bat Removal Service

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractors who provide residential and commercial bat removal services at competitive prices. Whether you have one bat or an entire colony, we are fully equipped to manage any job regardless of size or scope. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime.

How to Solve Nuisance Bat Problems in Winter

Bats are extraordinary mammals. Not only do they serve a vital ecological role, they help support our local economies. Furthermore, there are several interesting and impressive facts about bats that will open your eyes to their amazing ways. For instance, did you know that bats are the only mammals on Earth that are capable of true flight? That means that bats are the only mammals that can actually fly like birds. There is much more to learn and love about bats, but there are also certain warnings you should be aware of, especially if you live near woods or a year-round body of water.

Bats can also be a nuisance animal to homes and buildings. Not only can they squeeze into tiny openings and cause structural damages to properties, they pose a long list of health and safety risks to both people and pets. Basically, bats are wonderful in nature, but you do not want them to become a nuisance problem around your house.

Continue reading to learn what you need to know about abating nuisance bats this winter.

Louisville Bat Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Control 502-553-7622

Hibernation, Histoplasmosis, and More

Bats in the Kentucky regions hibernate for the winter. Their hibernation period generally begins around mid-October, but can sometimes be delayed until the temperatures begin to remain under 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Once in hibernacula, bats remain in a torpor-like state until spring emerges with warmer weather. So how does this affect you as a homeowner?

Bats look for warm, private, safe areas to hibernate for the winter, and our homes are a common target. Bats are small, and can fit through openings as little as 3/8th of an inch, giving them access to attics, rafters, walls, roofs, garages, crawl spaces, basements, and more. Torn screens and vents, loose shingles, missing chimney caps, damaged weatherproofing, thin layers of insulation, crumbling mortar, and rotted siding are common entry points for bats. Once inside, they will soil everything with their droppings, which is not only unsanitary and structurally damaging, it also poses the risk of Histoplasmosis.

Histoplasmosis is a fungal disease caused by inhaling airborne spores that grow on bat guano. These spores can get into ventilation systems and travel through the interior living quarters of the home, putting everyone at risk of developing this serious respiratory disease. Furthermore, bats are known carriers of several infectious diseases, such as Rabies. They also carry and spread pests, such as lice, mites, ticks, and fleas.

What to Do About Nuisance Bats

To abate bats in the winter, you need to implement preventative maintenance before they go into hibernation. This includes having your home inspected and sealed by a professional Louisville bat control company. But if you already have a bat problem on your hands right now, it is not too late to deal with it effectively.

Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractors who provide residential and commercial bat removal services at competitive prices. Whether you have one bat or an entire colony, we are fully equipped to manage any job regardless of size or scope. Request a free estimate or advice, anytime.

Here’s What to Do If You Have a Bat in the House

Louisville Bat Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Bat Control 502-553-7622

Has it just been brought to your attention that there’s a bat in your house? If so, do not panic. There is a perfectly safe and effective procedure for dealing with this situation. And bats are very unlikely to attack or harm another living creature unless it is provoked. Even then, it is rare. Remember, the bat is more afraid of you then you of it. So if you have just discovered a bat in your home, continue reading to learn exactly which steps to take next.

Contact a Wildlife Removal Professional

The first step to take when you have a bat in your house is to contact a local wildlife management company that provides bat removal and control services. They can give you instructions on what to do while you wait for them to arrive, whether that be the same day or the next. They may also be able to give you some over-the-phone instruction on how to give them certain information about the situation. You can be their eyes and ears until they can undertake the bat removal process themselves. This will allows them to get an idea of what to expect, and give them a head start on developing a strategy for extraction.

Isolate the Bat

Once you have contacted a trained professional, you may have to wait a little for them to arrive. For companies who offer 24 hour service, you may only need to wait a few hours or so. But for those who do not, you may have to wait until the next business day. So while you wait, you can choose to help the situation by isolating the bat to one area of the home. So if it is in the basement, simply shut the basement door until the contractor arrives.

Do not use a stick or anything else to “persuade” the bat to move to another spot. You never want to risk harming a bat; they are vital parts of our surrounding ecosystem, and in some places, they are protected by law. Instead, if a bat is in an open area of a home that is not easily shut-off, simply close all doors to all other rooms so that it cannot enter another area of the home; and then send your family to one of the closed-off rooms for protection. Be sure to send your cats and dogs too (not just for their own safety, but for the safety of the bat as well).

Provide an Exit

Once all doors are shut and everyone is protected, turn off all interior lights in the main area of the home where the bat is hanging out. Then open a door and turn on the exterior light, and wait to see if the bat flies out. Often times, they do. If they do not, simply join your family in a bat-free room until help arrives.

Louisville Bat Removal

Louisville Bat Removal Kentucky

Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed wildlife control contractors who provide residential and commercial bat removal services at competitive prices. Whether you have one bat or an entire colony, we are fully equipped to manage any job regardless of size or scope. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate for bat removal in Louisville, Kentucky today.

Popular Bat Guano Fertilizers on the Market

Last month we discussed how bat guano is used as a fertilizer for gardens, crops, flora, and more. So now that you know that guano is a known, effective fertilizer, you might want to know which kind to buy! In this blog, we’ll point out a few of the most popular and effective bat guano fertilizers on the market, and the qualities that make them so great. Continue reading for a list of recommended bat guano fertilizer products and brand names for better growing and gardening at home.

Smart Natural’s Happy Frog Potting Soil

This fine-screened potting soil is a light-textured and rich fertilizer, containing bat guano, earthworm castings, forest humus, microbes, fungi, and more, and comes ready to use for indoors or out. It’s well aerated, abundant in nutrients, and pH balanced to get the best possible results. You can expect to see this product come store-ready in 51.4 quart bags that range in price from $45 to $55, depending on the retailer.

Greenbelt Organics Bat Guano Fertilizer

This odorless, easy-to-use, indoor or outdoor bat guano fertilizer is one hundred percent organic. And it is guaranteed to never burn. It is formulated with high amounts of phosphate to enhance blooming and taste. It is biodegradable, building and cleaning the soil with special microbes and microorganisms. It is the perfect fertilizer for lawns and potted plants. You can expect a 2 pound bag to cost anywhere from 8 to 10 dollars.

Sunleaves Indonesian Bat Guano Fertilizer

Another highly-rated and reviewed bat guano fertilizer, the Sunleaves brand has much to offer gardeners. This dry fertilizer can be diluted in water or applied directly to soil for enhanced blooms and root growth. It has a high phosphorous potency, making it very effective. An 11 pound bag will cost anywhere between $25and $35.

Although bat guano is beneficial in our gardens, it is quite the opposite in our attics or other areas in our homes. If you notice bat droppings anywhere on or inside your property, you may have bat activity nearby. It is best to stop a bat problem before it becomes a costly mess. Contact a licensed bat removal service to get rid of bats and clean up bat guano messes in your home.

Bat Removal in Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane bat removal in Louisville, Kentucky or its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed bat removal and control contractors with decades of experience providing residential and commercial work. Aside from bat removal, our highly trained contractors provide bat cleanup services, bat proofing, preventative maintenance, and even minor attic restorations and repairs. Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal services you can trust.

Learning About Fruit Bats

Fruit Bats are a species of bat that do indeed eat fruit, but there is much more to them than the words that make up their name. You see, fruit bats are also called Megabats. They are the larger of the two distinct suborders of bat, megabat and microbat. They are found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. There are so many interesting and surprising facts about this particular species of bat, and each one gives us an added appreciation for them. Continue reading to learn more about fruit bats and what their lives are like out there in the wild.


Megabats are scientifically referred to Megachiroptera. They are also called fruit bats, as you already know, as well as, Old World Fruit Bats and Flying Foxes. They are referred to as Flying Foxes because they are one of the most prevalent species of fruit bats in the world. Just as people often refer to all bandages as “Band-Aids” when in fact “Band-Aid” is the brand name not the product name. The same informal use of the term, Flying Foxes, applies to Fruit Bats. There are numerous species of Flying Foxes, such as the Grey-Headed Flying Fox, the largest fruit bat in Australia. Others include the Black Flying Fox, the Spectacled Flying Fox, the Little Red Flying Fox, the Seychelles Fruit Bat, Caroline Flying Fox, the Pelew Flying Fox, and many more.

Megabats are larger than their sister-species, the Microbat. But this does not mean that all fruit bats are large. Some can be as small, or smaller, than some species of Microchiroptera. Physically, fruit bats have large eyes, one of the most recognizable and distinguishable features of a megabat. They also have large ears, another big identifier. When it comes to wingspan, they certainly have bragging rights. Wingspans of fruit bats can extend to great lengths, depending on the particular species. Larger fruit bats can grow wingspans that measure up to 5 feet or more!

Now since they have large eyes and pronounced visual centers, their vision is pretty good. In fact, theories imply that megabats do not use echolocation like microbats do for this reason. The only exception to this fact is the Egyptian Fruit Bat that uses a sonar-like system by emitting sharp clicks with their tongues. As for diet, fruit bats do eat fruit and the juices of fruit, as their name suggests, but they also eat nectar and pollen. This makes them significant parts of the Eco-system as they eliminate seeds they eat and pollinate plants.

Louisville Bat Removal

Call 502-553-7622 for professional bat removal services in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and DNR licensed bat removal and control contractors with decades of experience in the industry. We offer a wide range of bat removal services for commercial and residential properties. Call 502-553-7622 for free estimates, free advice, availability, and all other forms of information about bat removal and control in Louisville, KY.