Bats are around here are very tiny, so they can fit into the smallest openings or gaps in a house or building. In fact, a hole as small as 3/8ths of an inch is all they need to gain access into roofs, attics, crawl spaces, sheds, garages, and more. Additionally, bats are attracted to areas that have a lot of trees and bodies of water. Properties that also fit these descriptions are more prone to nightly bat activity, making bat sightings more prevalent that one would believe.
If you happen to come across a bat outside on your property, there are some specific rules to follow in order to protect yourself and the bat. Continue reading to learn what you should do if you ever see a bat outside.

Flying Bats
If you see a bat on the outside of your property, your next step depends on the where it is, what it is doing, and its age. When you see bats flying around your property at night, you don’t need to take any immediate action except to ensure your windows and doors are closed. However, if the bat activity persists or becomes worse, it is wise to contact a Louisville bat control company to have your home or building inspected for vulnerabilities. They have the permits, equipment, and skills to provide full-property inspections and give professional advice on how to protect your home from bat infestations.
Baby Bats
When you find a baby bat laying on the ground, or by itself attached to a beam or branch, do not touch it and immediately go the other direction. It may seem like the baby is abandoned by its mother, but is probably isn’t. Chance are, it fell out of the nest, or the mother dropped it mid-flight. In both scenarios, the mother is likely to come back for the baby within 24 hours.
If the baby bat is blatantly injured, it is important to let nature take its course. Remember, that bat could be food or fertilizer for other living organisms in nature. If the injured bat is in an area of your property that is often occupied or used, you cannot wait for nature to take its course; instead, contact a Louisville bat control company for licensed bat removal service.
Bat on the Ground
Unless it is June or July, a bat found on the ground is likely an adult. If you see an adult bat on the ground, especially during daytime, it could be injured, ill, or just really old and close to death. Bats are known to isolate themselves when they are dying. Furthermore, if the bat is behaving erratically, or seems confused, it could be a sign of Rabies.
Louisville Bat Removal and Control You Can Trust
Call 553-502-7622 for prompt and professional 24 hour bat removal in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed bat removal contractors that offer safe and non-lethal, 24 hour bat extraction and exclusion services for residential and commercial properties. We also provide bat cleanup and minor attic restorations for bat damages too. Request a free estimate, anytime.