Are Bats Really Blind?

An interesting fact about bats is that they are the only mammal to use their own power to fly. Other mammals may appear to be able to fly, such as the flying squirrel; but they only glide. Bats are true flight-capable mammals, controlling their own flight and power. It is a truly magnificent ability for a member of the Mammalia class.

You might interject with the fact that birds can fly; but they do this with the use of their feathers, when bats only have fur! This is what we mean when we say they use their OWN power to fly. So if bats are capable of such an extraordinary skill, why do so many people think they cannot see? Continue reading to learn more about bats vision abilities and the truth behind the age-old myth that all bats are blind.

How Do Bats See?

Bats use their eyes to see! Bats are not blind at all; they just do not have a wide vision capacity. Humans and other animals have better-developed eyesight, giving bats the “blind” reputation. Bats use their eyes, as well as, their other senses to get around at night. On top of eyesight, bats rely on sonar to see. Sonar is technique bats use to create an invisible grid of their surroundings. They give odd high-frequency sounds the bounce of the surrounding objects and return to them as echoes. Turning auditory information into visual maps is a method of charting that is also used by humans in various industries all around the world!

There are two types of bats, both thought to evolve separately but come from the same ancestry. They are the Megachiroptera and the Microchiroptera. The Mega bats are larger and maintain a diet consisting mostly of fruits, nectar, small fish, rodents, and amphibians. They have large eyes and prominent noses; as a result, they primarily rely on their sense of sight and smell to locate and hunt prey. Some species of Megachiroptera can even see in color. Although nocturnal, most species of Mega bat can see in the daylight due to their highly evolved visual centers. In fact, they can have trouble flying on moonless nights.

Micro bats have smaller eyes and mostly rely on their sense of smell and echolocation to see and hunt their prey. Mammals generally have two types of photoreceptor cells in their eyes: cones for daytime and color vision, and rods for nighttime vision. Micro bats have always been thought to only have rods; but recent studies show that they too have cones, just underdeveloped ones.

Bat Control in Louisville, Kentucky

If you have more questions about bat control, or think you might have a bat in the house, call Louisville Bat Removal in Kentucky at 502-553-7622 today. We are highly trained and qualified bat control specialists with more than 30 years of experience in the industry. Our friendly technicians are glad to answer any inquiries about bat control, bat removal, animal damage restoration, bat bites, bats in the house, and more! Visit our webpage at for details about our bat control services. IF you think you might have a bat in the house and need bat control in Louisville, KY, call 502-553-7622 for free estimates and information, any time.