The Safest Way to Deal With Bats Around Your House

If you live near a large body of water, such as a flowing creek, river, pond, or lake, chances are, you also live near trees and other types of foliage. With all of these factors in place, it is common to have nuisance wildlife problems, especially bats. Although all animals like to stay near a reliable source of water, bats are very strict about this. So having bat activity around your house should not be a surprise if your property fits the above-mentioned landscaping.

So what can you do about a nuisance bat problem? The important part of getting rid of bats is to never do anything that will harm yourself, the bats, other wildlife, or the surrounding environment. What options does this leave you? Continue reading to learn the safest and fastest way to stop bats from coming around your house.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

An Important Warning

There are two important warnings when it comes to bat control. First, keep in mind that bats are known carriers of several infectious diseases, such as Rabies. They can also spread parasites like lice, mites, and ticks. If you have pets, it is wise to ensure their vaccines are up to date after spotting bats around the house. Now, the second warning is about the law. Bats are actually vital to our surrounding ecosystems and even our economy, which is why they are protected under law.

For all of these reasons combined, you should NEVER attempt to touch, trap, harm, or kill a bat under any circumstances. Furthermore, do not keep a baby bat as a pet. See our blog, “How to Be Bat Friendly” to learn how to support local bat populations without jeopardizing safety or posing any risk to your home.

What To Do About Bats

The first step you should take if you want to reduce the amount of bat activity around your house is to make some environmental changes. This means removing or adjusting areas of your property that bats like, or are attracted to, such as log piles, hollowed trees, bird baths, and more. It also means repairing the exterior of your home to prevent bat intrusions. Have your siding and roofing inspected for vulnerabilities, as well as, your windows, doors, and foundation.

Once you have done your part, it might not be enough to fully control nuisance bat activity. In almost all cases, homeowners must rely on professional bat removal and control services for optimal results. Contact a DNR licensed and insured bat removal specialist for help dealing with nuisance bats around your house. They have the experience, permits, and resources to safely abate bat problems.

Where Can I Find Safe Bat Control in Louisville?

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured bat control contractors who use safe, non-lethal methods of wildlife extraction and exclusion. We serve both residential and commercial clients, and at the most competitive prices in town. Emergency 24 hour bat removal service is also available. Request a free estimate, today.

Learn the Truth About Vampire Bats

Vampire bats have an unpleasant stigma of being callous, uncontrollable, blood-thirsty creatures. Fortunately, this is just a generous embellishment of the specie’s true nature; they are actually nothing of the sort. If you would like to know the true facts about these highly misunderstood bats, start with this article.

Continue reading to learn the basics about the vampire bat “sanguinivorous” lifestyle, and then expand your newfound wildlife knowledge to those around you!

Emergency Bat Removal 502-553-7622
White-Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi)

3 Species of Blood-Consuming Mammals

Although there are several creatures on this planet that exhibit traits of a sanguinivorous lifestyle (consuming vertebrate blood), there are only 3 mammals that do so, all of which make up the Vampire bat species. These include the Common vampire bat (Desmodus rotundus), the White-Winged Vampire Bat (Diaemus youngi), and the Hairy-legged Vampire Bat (Diphylla ecaudata). All three species are suite similar, but also have separate distinct characteristics that make them unique.

Now Let Us Clear Up the Confusion

The rumors that suggests these species “attack” and “kill” their prey, and then “suck” their blood is wrong. The truth is, vampire bats choose a host, make a small incision with their tiny teeth (much like a prick of a finger), and then lap up the pooling blood with their tongues.

They use heat-sensitive cells in their nose to locate a suitable blood vessel, while their saliva contains an anti-coagulant proteins (one such protein is called Draculin) that prevents the incision from clotting until they are done feeding. Once they are through, which usually takes up to an hour, the incision quickly seals, and the host is none-the-wiser.

Vampire bats actually help take care of their hosts. You see, blood is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. This means they have to eat a lot more than regular microbats, so it is necessary to preserve their food source, which usually comprise of livestock like cows, pigs, horses, and goats.

They are known to help others in their roost too. If a vampire bat goes a few days without eating, they can lose a significant amount of body fat, which puts them at a higher fatality risks. To combat this issues, the well-fed bats regurgitate packages of congealed blood for hungry companions in their roost.

Want to learn more false rumors about bats? Read our blog, “Unfair Misconceptions About Bats” to get an idea of the truth behind bats.

Dealing With Nuisance Bats?

Although bats are an important part of our Eco-system, and even our economy, they can sometimes pose certain threats if their colonies get too close. If you suspect you have issues with bats, or a bat infestation in the attic or other area of your home, contact our DNR licensed and insured professionals at 553-502-7622 for safe and humane bat control service in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. We have more than two decades of experience working with bats, and offer both residential and commercial bat removal and control services, including minor attic restorations for bat damages. Request a free estimate, today.