As soon as you are aware of a bat infestation problem in your home, you should immediately begin looking for a solution. The first place to start would be hiring a professional to remove bats from your home and prevent them from coming back. How do you know which company to trust? Read on to learn what to expect from a reliable bat exclusion company, and signs to avoid when interviewing each business.
Bat Control Contractors
There are certain qualities and services to expect from a reputable bat control company. These services and qualities will speak for the integrity of the business. First, a dependable and trustworthy bat exclusion company should be listed as an accredited member of the BBB, which stands for the Better Business Bureau. This marks them as a reliable and recognized company.
The next quality to look for is experience. Be sure to inquire about their business’s longevity and specialties. What do they specialize in? How long have they been in business? You don’t want to hire a pest control company that doesn’t particularly specialize in bat exclusion. The company of your choice should specialize in bat control and retain the proper equipment and industry knowledge to remove bats and prevent them from coming back. Exterminators that claim they can “remove anything” often use improper equipment and harmful chemicals to kill or catch bats. This is not the right, or safe, approach to bat removal; and bats should never be exterminated because they are assets to our environment and amazing mammals. They just don’t belong in our homes!
Never be afraid to ask about a company’s equipment and practices they use to carry out their services. It is important to know what kind of machines and tools will be used inside your home, as well as, how equipped they are to even do the job correctly. Inquire about their methods and theories on bat removal, if they use a bat trap (which should never be the case), and how they inspect for bat colonies and infestations. This is information you have every right to know before giving your money away.
A great quality to explore in a bat exclusion company is references. Any professional company should have multiple references, testimonials, fan pages, or other sources of customer reviews to prove their merit. Be sure to investigate all these avenues before deciding on a company to trust.
Bat Removal and Control in Kentucky
Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. Our wildlife rescue contractors use the latest technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to safely remove bats and facilitate effective bat prevention. We never harm or kill bats, and have been a fully insured company, as well as, A+ Accredited BBB members, for more than 20 years. If you suspect you have a bat problem in your home or office, call us right away at 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust.