How to Get Rid of Bats Behind Window Shutters

Bats are very tiny here in Kentucky, allowing them to take shelter in the teeniest, tiniest of places. One such place is right behind your window shutters. Bats like window shutter voids because they offer easy access, optimal privacy, and warmth through the colder days of the year. If you suspect that bats are roosting behind your window shutters, start looking for the signs of local bat activity to confirm their presence.

Continue reading to learn these signs, as well as, how to stop them roosting in your shutters for good.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Signs of Roosting Bats

Bats are small, which makes them good at hiding, but are not very good at staying hid, as they tend to leave behind signs that reveal their presence. One of the most common and easiest-to-spot signs is their droppings, otherwise known as guano. Although bat guano is often mistaken for rodent droppings, you can quickly tell the difference by taking a closer look. Bat guano is much larger than rodent droppings, which are generally pellet-like. Bat droppings looks more similar to that of a small dog rather than a rodent. In most cases, they are in large accumulations, which is not typical of rodent droppings.

Another common sign of bats nearby is scratch marks or grease-like stains on the shutter faces. This indicates that bats are flying and rubbing against the shutters on a regular basis. Another sign is actually witnessing them enter behind your shutters. You can safely assume they have made a nest and intend on staying there for a long time if you see this happen.

How to Stop Bats From Coming Back

To get rid of bats roosting behind window shutters, your safest and most humane option would be to use their sense of smell against them. Bats hate scents that are strong-smelling and stinky, and will avoid them at all costs. During the daytime, make sure the void behind your shutters is empty, then stick some mothballs inside. This will most certainly divert their interest in this spot. See our blog, “These Household Spices Can Keep Bats Away!” for some more scents bats hate.

If you check behind your shutters and there is a bat there, immediately walk away and contact a licensed Louisville bat removal company. There are several state and federal laws that govern bats, and you do not want to jeopardize your legal liability. Furthermore, some bats are federally-protected, such as the Indiana Bat (Myotis sodalist), which are common here in Kentucky. See our blog, “Kentucky Laws About Tampering With Wild Bats” to learn more laws about bats.

If your mothballs do not seem to work, you can always remove your shutters for a year, and therefore, remove your location from their memory. Otherwise, your Louisville bat control specialist can help you make the proper environmental modifications and exterior renovations to ensure your property remains protected against nuisance wildlife like bats.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control at an Affordable Price

If bats are a nuisance in or around your property, contact 502-553-7622 for safe and humane bat removal services in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured bat control contractors who use safe, non-lethal methods of extraction and exclusion. We serve both residential and commercial clients, and at the most competitive prices in town. Emergency 24 hour service is also available. Request a free estimate, today.

Common Crops That Benefit From Bats

This summer, farmers all across the state are thrilled with the results of their yields. But did you know that local bat populations might have something to do with the excellent quality of all the fruits and vegetables you love so much? Not only is it possible, it is very true! Continue reading to learn how bats are helpful partners for Kentucky farmers, including which crops tend to benefit the most from bat interference.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Nature’s Pesticide

Bats are known to be threats, not just because of old movie and scary tales, but also because they can actually be a nuisance to residential and commercial properties since it is common for colonies to take shelter inside attics and similar hidden areas, and inflict a long list of structural damages and sanitation concerns.

However, aside from being a potential nuisance to property owners, bats provide a wide range of advantages, both ecologically and economically. They deliver such benefits to our local economy and surrounding ecosystem in a number of ways, but the top two are pest control and pollination.

Pest Control and Pollination

Bats are insectivores, and primarily eat flying bugs like mosquitoes, flies, gnats, moths, and more. A single bat can consume more than it’s own body weight in insects. In fact, in just one night, a single bat can eat more than 1,000 flying insects! Think about a colony of 100 bats darting and diving for insects each night. Now that is some excellent pest control!

This type of “nature’s pesticide” benefits local farmers because their growing crops are less affected by pest outbreaks and infestations. Bats are also excellent pollinators, which helps keep crops growing healthy and strong, season after season. Not only does this reduce the amount of money and labor put into pollinating crops each season, it also increases the results of seasonal bounties.

Best of all, this level of added pest control and pollination is free, so farmers are saving money! This actually rolls into how bats help the local economy too! Since farmers are saving money on raising better-quality crops, more crops are grown and sold at the market, keeping the local economies stimulated on both ends of the sales transaction.

Kentucky Crops Aided By Bats:

🌽 Corn
🍚 Rice
🌿 Tobacco
🌱 Soybeans
🌾 Wheat

Got Nuisance Bats Around?

If bats are a nuisance in or around your property, contact 502-553-7622 for safe and non-lethal bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed and insured bat control contractors who use safe, non-lethal methods of extraction and exclusion. We serve both residential and commercial clients, and at the most competitive prices in town. Emergency 24 hour service is also available. Request a free estimate, today.

Do Bats Live Near My House?

Are you concerned about nuisance bats? If so, there are plenty of precautions you can take to protect your assets from animal damage, as well as your loved ones from exposure to infectious diseases and injuries. But first, assess whether or not bats are actually a threat in your area. Chances are, there are local bat populations that exist within your community; however, whether or not they will actually affect your home or property largely depends on your environmental surroundings.

Continue reading to learn how to spot bat activity in and around your property, and what you can do to protect your home and loved ones from nuisance bats.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622
Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Environmental Factors

As mentioned, whether or not bats are indeed a possible threat depends on certain factors, namely environmental ones. You see, here in Kentucky, bats are insectivores, which means they eat a diet of insects, mostly flying sorts like gnats, flies, moths, and of course, mosquitoes. They also eat termites, beetles, and several others types of insects, but the flying bugs will easily give away a bat’s location.

Why? Well these insects typically group together in large swarms, which are very visible during dusk. And where do these bugs like to fly? Around water, like streams, creeks, ponds, lakes, and rivers. So if your home is located near a body of water such as these, you can be sure there are bats living nearby that eat up all the swarming insects each night.

To see for yourself, go outside right before the sun sets, when the light is still bright, but receding. Then look above an area of water for a swarm of insects. Be patient, and wait for any signs of bats. If you see a bird-like animal swooping down and darting through the swarm of insects, you are witnessing a bat eating its dinner! They are actually the world’s greatest built-in pest control because a single bat can consume more than 1,000 mosquitoes in just one night! You can thank them for your comfortable backyards and picnic areas.

Want to learn other ways to spot bat activity in and around your house? See our blog, “Top 5 Indications That You Have a Bat Infestation” to develop a checklist that can be investigated for clues.

Safe and Humane Bat Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust. We are DNR licensed and insured bat control contractors who use safe, non-lethal methods of wildlife extraction and exclusion. We serve both residential and commercial clients, and at the most competitive prices in town. Emergency 24 hour bat removal service is also available. Request a free estimate, today.

How to Deal With Bats in the Attic

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Bats can be a nuisance problem for home owners. Whether inside or out, bats cause structural damages and unpleasant messes and odors that can linger long after they have “flown the nest.” That is why it is critical to catch a bat infestation as early as possible before they cause a large amount of costly structural damages. Bats can cause home damages that result in costly repairs and renovations.

These damages only become worse as they are untreated overtime. Soiled drywall, clogged gutters, mold growth, torn attic insulation, ripped roof shingles, and frayed electrical wiring are all common damages caused by nuisance bats. If you have bats in the attic, or suspect you might have a bat problem on your hands, be sure to know what your options are and who to trust for accurate advice, information, and service.

Dangers of Bats

If you suspect that you might have bats in the attic, you can muster the courage to take a look for yourself. However, this is not exactly recommended. Bats are known carriers of several contagious and infectious diseases, and they are known to be aggressive if they are ill, provoked, threaten, or nursing their young. For these reasons and many more, the most effective solution for getting rid of bats and call a licensed Louisville bat removal company for emergency assistance.

Bat Removal, Control and Cleanup

Once a professional bat removal contractor has eliminated the colony from your attic, the job is only half way done. Bats leave behind a huge mess, even if only one or two. So be sure to discuss cleanup and sanitation options. Bat cleanup services eliminate and sanitize bat urine and droppings, as well as deodorize the space they occupied. Bat cleanup also commonly entails minor attic restorations and repairs. Minor restorations may include attic insulation replacement, drywall repair, and more.

Bat-proofing is another option you can select to further protect your home or property from experiencing another bat infestation problem. Preventative maintenance for nuisance bats includes comprehensive property inspections, roof repair, window and door sealing, and much more. Professional bat exclusionists might also suggest installing automatic outdoor lighting or sound machines to scare bats away. They might also encourage air sealing and roof shingle replacement services for enhanced home protection.

Bat Removal in Louisville Kentucky

Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622

Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622

Call 502-553-7622 if you have bats in the attic in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and DNR licensed bat removal and control experts who only use safe and humane methods to get rid of bats and prevent their return. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate, today.

Property Damage Caused by Bat Intrusions

Bats are commonly found in residential and commercial properties hiding in dark warm places, like attics and crawl spaces. Why do bats like to use our buildings and homes as their own? The most likely answer is the easy accessibility. Bats are so small; they do not need to chew their way into our properties, such as mice and squirrels. Bats can find access through the tiniest opening in our roofs, desks, garages, attics, and sheds. A temperature controlled environment with plenty of food resources surrounding them is an ideal bat paradise. Unfortunately, these particular spaces fit those criteria quite well.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Louisville Bat Removal and Control 502-553-7622

Structural Damages

The most noticeable structural damages to a home or building where a bat colony has been living is caused by their droppings. Bat colonies can range anywhere from a few bats to hundreds, depending on the space they are occupying. With that in mind, overtime, the accumulation of bat droppings can become extensive. Bat guano and urine are extremely potent and noticeable. In fact, most people realize they have a live-in bat colony when they begin to notice the negative effects of their droppings.

For example, the urine and guano odor will eventually seep through the walls and vents, causing a foul odor in the home. Also, the droppings can accumulate enough to begin saturating sheet rock and insulation, leading to costly repairs and replacement needs. The saturation of the droppings will begin to cause the area to slowly deteriorate, leading to structural instability and weakness. This can even lead to a ceiling collapse.

Health Risks

Not only can the actual structures of a home or building become damaged, the cargo inside can become damaged as well, meaning the people! There are health-related issued associated with bat infestations and exposure to their droppings. There is a respiratory illness called Histoplasmosis that is caused from spreading spores in bat guano. Also, rabies is another common scare associated with bats. Rabies is just as common in any wild animal, not just bats; however, it is always better to be certain and avoid contact at all costs.

Another health threat caused by bat infestations is bat mites. These are tiny insects similar to fleas. They are often confused with bed bugs because they have the same effect and look. If there is a situation where an exterminator has to come back several times to get rid of bed bugs, it is probably not bed bugs at all. Bat mites stick around, so long as there is a colony living nearby. Be sure to get the right information before treating these little nuisances.

Professional Bat Removal Service

Louisville Bat Removal Kentucky

Louisville Bat Removal 502-553-7622

For more information on bat damages or how to repair structural damages caused by bats, call our expert bat removal and control specialist in Louisville, KY today! We are licensed and insured with over fifteen years of experience in the bat control industry. We are truly experts in our field. We use the latest technologies and state of the art equipment to remove bats, prevent bat intrusion, repair and restore damages, and much more. Call us today at 502-553-7622 and speak with a professional bat control expert right away.

Ground Rules for Bat Control

Depending on where you live, bats can either be a rare and magnificent sighting, or a nuisance animal problem. In areas where over-development has increased, bats have been forced out of their natural habitats, placing them in locations closer to municipal and suburban communities. This causes a problem among property owners because bats can do quite the damage, both inside and out. For this reason, many homeowners have been compelled to learn the ways of bat control.

But keep in mind that trapping and killing bats is never the humane or effective solution for a bat problem. Instead, you must rid the problem at its source using safe and humane intervention. If you are a new property owner and your home or building is located near wooded areas, you might want to prepare yourself for some bat sightings and potential issues. But if you are a property owner that has spotted bats around your property, it is important to make certain changes if you want to prevent potential bat infestations and costly structural damages. Continue reading to learn the basics of bat control, and how to protect your property from bats.

Signs of Bat Activity

There are distinctive signs you will see around your home or property that indicate recent bat activity. For instance, it is common to see bat droppings on window sills or ledges. You can tell bat guano from other animal droppings because it is more segmented and full of insect parts. Other signs include loose or fallen roof shingles, concentrated yellow or brown stains on walls and ceilings, strange squeaking or clicking noises at night, foul lingering odors, and brown or black stains around small openings. When bats come in and out of their roost, the oils on their dark fur rub against the surface, which can stain the edges of the opening black or brown.

Outdoor Maintenance

Bats are very small, so they can fit into the tiniest crevice or gap in the exterior of your home or structure. Often times, bats will use interior areas like attics and crawl spaces to build their roosts and breed their young. And they access these areas through miniature openings in the exterior of the home, some as small as 1/4th inch wide. Siding, roof shingles, soffits, gutters, and more are common entry points for bats. You must have your home or building professionally inspected for possible entry ways, and then have any vulnerable areas sealed. This preventative maintenance will save you a lot of time, money, and frustration down the road.

Once you are sure the exterior of your home is structurally-sound, you can continue addressing the additional outdoor maintenance needs for bat control. Start by removing anything that attracts bats to your property. This includes birdbaths, bird houses, standing water, compost piles, wood stacks, leaves, trash, dead animals, and anything else that attracts mosquitoes and insects.

From there, you can install sound machines and motion-sensored lighting to scare bats off when they approach too close. These strategies will help control the bat colonies living near you. It is important to contact a bat control company for help dealing with bat issues. They can remove bats from interior areas of your property, repair their damages, and prevent their return. Choose a licensed and experienced company for safe and humane bat removal and control services.

Louisville Bat Removal Services

Call 502-553-7622 when you need prompt and professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. Our highly-trained and DNR licensed wildlife contractors provide a wide range of residential and commercial bat removal services at the most competitive prices in town. We also offer emergency 24 hour bat removal, back cleanup, minor attic restorations for bat damages, and more. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate for Louisville bat removal service, today.

Bats Cause a Deadly Disease Called Fibrosing Mediastinitus

For many years, scientists and researchers have warned us about the dangers of bat guano. Bat droppings commonly grow a fungus called histoplasma Capsulatum that releases toxic, transmissible spores into the air. When breathed in, whether by humans or pets, theses fungal spores can cause a dangerous disease called Histoplasmosis. You may have heard of this lung disease by its other monikers, including Spelunker’s Lung, Cave Disease, Ohio Valley Disease, Reticuloendotheliosis,
and Darling’s Disease.

Mild exposure is not likely to cause the disease, as many of us are exposed to these spores at some point in our lives without even knowing it. But long-term exposure will cause Histoplasmosis, which comes with flu-like symptoms very similar to the common cold. Symptoms of this terrible lung disease include fever, coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. And although not contagious, without proper medical treatment, the disease will only continue to worsen and weaken its host.

Fortunately, there is a treatment for Histoplasmosis, as well as vaccines for pets. But we still can’t rest easy, because now we’ve discovered another bat disease we have to worry about, and it’s caused by Histoplasmosis. This disease is called Fibrosing Mediastinitus. Continue reading to learn more about Fibrosing Mediastinitus, and how to prevent exposure in your home.

Fibrosing Mediastinitus

When a person is ill with Histoplasmosis, they may experience a very rare complication of the disease called Fibrosing Mediastinitus. In contrast to the symptoms of Histoplasmosis, Fibrosing Mediastinitus will cause serious complications that can lead to death. The disease essentially constricts the heart and lungs from functioning. Without immediate treatment, it can be fatal. Although very rare, it is a terrible and painful disease for those infected.

If you have bats in or around your property, it is simply not worth the risk of catching any bat-related diseases like Histoplasmosis and Fibrosing Mediastinitus. Be sure to have a professional wildlife contractor inspect and treat your home for nuisance bats. They have the proper tools, training, and resources to provide safe and humane bat removal services at a fair price. Don’t risk it. Hire a bat removal company as soon as possible to get rid of bats in the attic or other areas of your home.

Louisville Bat Removal

Call 553-502-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal services in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding areas. We are DNR licensed bat removal contractors that offer safe and non-lethal bat extraction and exclusion services for residential and commercial properties. We also provide bat cleanup and minor attic restorations for bat damages too. Call 502-553-7622 to request a free estimate for Louisville bat removal and control, today.

A Bat that Roosts Inside Leaves!

There are countless bat species that are fun and interesting to learn about. But there is one particular species of bat that has earned themselves a reputation for being unique. That is because they live inside leaves of trees and plants!

These bats are call Spix’s Disc-Winged bats, and have many unique attributes that set them apart from other species throughout the world. Continue reading to learn more about this fascinating bat!

Spix’s Disc-Winged Bat

Scientifically named, Thyroptera tricolor, Spix’s Disc-Winged bat is a remarkable Microchiroptera species that was first discovered in 1823 by German biologist, Johann Baptist Ritter von Spix. And one of its most defining characteristics are the disk-like anatomical features on their thumbs and hind feet. Hence the name, “Spix’s Disc-Winged” bat. The discs on their thumbs and hind feet are supported by an internal cartilaginous plate and work like suction cups, allowing them to grip tightly and easily move across smooth surfaces.

Their color of their top coats range in tone, from reddish browns to incandescent blacks, while their underbellies are usually a pale white or yellow color. They are very small bats, weighing an average of 4 grams and growing no longer than 37 millimeters. Regardless of its small size, they are agile flyers and can navigate quite well, but never fly higher than 3 to 5 meters off the ground. Instead, they fly shallow, looking for suitable roosting locations.

And do you know where Spix’s Disc-Winged roost?

Spix’s Disc-Winged bats are mostly native to Neotropical regions of the world, like South America. But since the species is so widespread, it is recognized as a “least concern” on the bat conversation list. However, their population density largely depends on how abundant a region’s forests and lands are with plants and trees. This is because the Spix’s Disc-Winged bat roosts inside curled up leaves (furled leaves)! And without adequate roosting locations, the Spix’s Disc-Winged bat populations cannot reproduce in large quantities.

Yes, you heard right: Spix’s Disc-Winged bat roosts inside furled leaves! They use their concave suctioning disks to cling inside a leaf, head-up. This behavior is unlike most bat species that hang head-down in their roosts. Just another interesting fact about Spix’s Disc-Winged bats! They usually roost up to 5 bats per leaf, all in head-up formation. And every night they hunt, they look for new roosting locations. What’s even more interesting is that, despite their nomadic lifestyle, they live together for years.

Louisville Bat Removal Services

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We offer a wide range of non-lethal, safe bat removal services, as well as, bat proofing, preventative maintenance, bat cleanup, and even minor attic and crawl space restorations for bat damages. Whether residential or commercial, our DNR licensed wildlife control contractors are fully-equipped to manage any size animal removal need. Call 502-553-7622 for Louisville Bat Removal you can trust.

How to Hire a Reputable Bat Removal Company

As soon as you are aware of a bat infestation problem in your home, you should immediately begin looking for a solution. The first place to start would be hiring a professional to remove bats from your home and prevent them from coming back. How do you know which company to trust? Read on to learn what to expect from a reliable bat exclusion company, and signs to avoid when interviewing each business.

Bat Control Contractors

There are certain qualities and services to expect from a reputable bat control company. These services and qualities will speak for the integrity of the business. First, a dependable and trustworthy bat exclusion company should be listed as an accredited member of the BBB, which stands for the Better Business Bureau. This marks them as a reliable and recognized company.

The next quality to look for is experience. Be sure to inquire about their business’s longevity and specialties. What do they specialize in? How long have they been in business? You don’t want to hire a pest control company that doesn’t particularly specialize in bat exclusion. The company of your choice should specialize in bat control and retain the proper equipment and industry knowledge to remove bats and prevent them from coming back. Exterminators that claim they can “remove anything” often use improper equipment and harmful chemicals to kill or catch bats. This is not the right, or safe, approach to bat removal; and bats should never be exterminated because they are assets to our environment and amazing mammals. They just don’t belong in our homes!

Never be afraid to ask about a company’s equipment and practices they use to carry out their services. It is important to know what kind of machines and tools will be used inside your home, as well as, how equipped they are to even do the job correctly. Inquire about their methods and theories on bat removal, if they use a bat trap (which should never be the case), and how they inspect for bat colonies and infestations. This is information you have every right to know before giving your money away.

A great quality to explore in a bat exclusion company is references. Any professional company should have multiple references, testimonials, fan pages, or other sources of customer reviews to prove their merit. Be sure to investigate all these avenues before deciding on a company to trust.

Bat Removal and Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. Our wildlife rescue contractors use the latest technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to safely remove bats and facilitate effective bat prevention. We never harm or kill bats, and have been a fully insured company, as well as, A+ Accredited BBB members, for more than 20 years. If you suspect you have a bat problem in your home or office, call us right away at 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust.

The Best Treatment for Bat Control

Wild bats are commonly found out in the country, or rural areas of Kentucky. But of course, they are frequently spotted in urban city areas too. Where ever your property is located, bats can potentially be a problem, if they haven’t been already. If you want to truly curb bat infestation and activity near your home or building, trust the best and most effective treatment for it: preventative maintenance. Continue reading to learn why prevention is the best method to protecting your investments from nuisance wildlife damage,
and how to get started today.

Bat Prevention Tips

The first place to think about for bat prevention is the exterior of the property. Roof shingles, windows, doors, siding, overhangs, awnings, porches, and more should all be inspected for openings and vulnerabilities. A licensed contractor should be hired to provide professional sealing and repair services to ensure this step is done properly. Once you know your property is adequately sealed from the outside, you can move onto the next phase of bat control and prevention.

There are several products available on the market for nuisance bat control. You can consider trying out some of these devices to see if they can work for you. If they do not seem to add any value, simply return them for a refund. One such device available is an ultrasonic wave machine that use high-pitched sonar emissions to keep bats away. You can also consider a sound machine that emits the sounds of certain predators bats fear.

Aside from home repairs and electronic devices, you can also install automatic lights outside of your property to keep bats from entering your territory. Bats like the dark, so they will stay clear of bright, lit-up areas. By having them set on motion sensors, you can save energy and keep other nuisance wildlife away.

If you live in the country or rural area, try compromising with the local bat population by setting out bat houses far from your home. These are just like bird houses except the opening is at the bottom, allowing bats to fly in and hang from the top. This will not only keep them occupied and away from your living quarters, it can also give licensed exclusionists an advantage when relocating them to a safer habitat.

Call a professional bat removal and control service for problems with bat activity near your home. They retain the proper licensing and training to LEGALLY and safely remove bats and prevent their return. Never try to catch, harm, or kill a wild bat. Call a bat removal service instead! They use safe and non-lethal methods to remove bats and relocate them to a faraway habitat.

Bat Removal in Louisville

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal service in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. We are DNR licensed wildlife specialists with decades of experience working with bats. We only use safe and humane methods to exclude bats, also providing preventative maintenance and attic repairs for bat damages. Call 502-553-7622 for affordable and reliable bat control in Louisville, KY today.