Build a Bat House
If you are noticing that there are one or two bats that seem to frequent a concentrated area of your property, start to watch this area around sunset to locate exactly where they are exiting your home from. Keep in mind that bats can fit through openings as small as a thumbprint, so do a thorough search to find the entry point. Use wire screen mesh and duct tape to seal the hole up once you are sure all the bats have left for the evening. Then build a bat house and place it somewhere close to the hole you’ve sealed up, and it will encourage them to use the bat house rather than searching for new entry points in your home.
Create an Invisible Perimeter
There are several scents and spices that bats hate. If you gather these up, combine them together, and then sprinkle them around the perimeter of your property, you may be able to thwart bats from trespassing altogether! Spices and scents to consider include chili powder, cayenne pepper, black pepper, peppermint, menthol, ammonia, cloves, and eucalyptus. If you plan to use ammonia, mix it with water and put it in a clean spray bottle. Then just spray the perimeter of your lawn, as well as, the old entry points on the exterior of your home.Install Predatory Devices
If you really want to keep bats away, you can consider purchasing and installing devices that will scare them off. You can use sound machines, automatic lighting, and ultrasonic wave machines have been said to be effective. These devices can skew their communication abilities, sleep cycles, and flying habits. So it will make them want to stay far away from your property.