How to Hire a Reputable Bat Removal Company

As soon as you are aware of a bat infestation problem in your home, you should immediately begin looking for a solution. The first place to start would be hiring a professional to remove bats from your home and prevent them from coming back. How do you know which company to trust? Read on to learn what to expect from a reliable bat exclusion company, and signs to avoid when interviewing each business.

Bat Control Contractors

There are certain qualities and services to expect from a reputable bat control company. These services and qualities will speak for the integrity of the business. First, a dependable and trustworthy bat exclusion company should be listed as an accredited member of the BBB, which stands for the Better Business Bureau. This marks them as a reliable and recognized company.

The next quality to look for is experience. Be sure to inquire about their business’s longevity and specialties. What do they specialize in? How long have they been in business? You don’t want to hire a pest control company that doesn’t particularly specialize in bat exclusion. The company of your choice should specialize in bat control and retain the proper equipment and industry knowledge to remove bats and prevent them from coming back. Exterminators that claim they can “remove anything” often use improper equipment and harmful chemicals to kill or catch bats. This is not the right, or safe, approach to bat removal; and bats should never be exterminated because they are assets to our environment and amazing mammals. They just don’t belong in our homes!

Never be afraid to ask about a company’s equipment and practices they use to carry out their services. It is important to know what kind of machines and tools will be used inside your home, as well as, how equipped they are to even do the job correctly. Inquire about their methods and theories on bat removal, if they use a bat trap (which should never be the case), and how they inspect for bat colonies and infestations. This is information you have every right to know before giving your money away.

A great quality to explore in a bat exclusion company is references. Any professional company should have multiple references, testimonials, fan pages, or other sources of customer reviews to prove their merit. Be sure to investigate all these avenues before deciding on a company to trust.

Bat Removal and Control in Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for prompt and professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. Our wildlife rescue contractors use the latest technologies and state-of-the-art equipment to safely remove bats and facilitate effective bat prevention. We never harm or kill bats, and have been a fully insured company, as well as, A+ Accredited BBB members, for more than 20 years. If you suspect you have a bat problem in your home or office, call us right away at 502-553-7622 for Louisville bat removal and control you can trust.

Consider Installing a Bat House for Microbats

Microbats can certainly be a nuisance animal for homes and buildings, but they also play an important role in our surrounding eco-system. For this reason, it is helpful to find a happy medium between bat control and bat preservation. Homes and properties located near wooded areas and bodies of water are prone to higher bat activity, and cannot entirely prevent bat presence on their lands. In cases like this, if you can’t beat them, join them. There are ways to control bat activity on your property, and one method is installing a bat house. Continue reading to learn tips for controlling bat presence on your property, as well as, the benefits of a bat house for microbats.

Bat Control and Prevention

Some homes are located in areas where bat presence is a guarantee and there is no way of completely eliminating bat populations. For these homes, it is wise to do whatever you can to prevent bats from entering or being attracted to your property. Hire a professional contractor to inspect the doors, windows, siding, and roof shingles on your home, and have them sealed to prevent animal intrusion. Then, take certain measures to keep bats off your property; for example, install motion sensor lighting, or sound machines outside to prevent bats from entering your premises. But precautions like these won’t keep bats away entirely, so there are other methods of bat control you can use to prevent bat damages and intrusion on your home. One helpful method is a bat house.

Bat Houses

Bat houses are perfect for microbats since they love to take shelter somewhere cozy, safe, and accessible. A bat house provides all of these elements for a bat, thwarting them from looking to your home as a means of shelter. A bat house attracts bats, and controls their location by keeping a certain distance between the home and the bat house. The best type of bat house is one that mimics the space between bark and tree, since bats generally spend their summer and winter months inside trees, under bridges, and in buildings. This means it should be narrow, dark, and insulated to stay warm. If you provide this sanctuary for bats, they will use it and stay far away from your own home.

When you wish to install a bat house, be sure to choose an area with the right elements. The location of the bat house should be in sun, at least 15 feet off the ground, and nearby a source of water. Although bats often take shelter in trees, it is not a good idea to place a bat house in a tree. This invites certain predators and other nuisance wildlife activity, and doesn’t allow the sun to naturally heat the inside since it’s blocked by branches.

To find the perfect bat house for your property, simple search and shop online or visit your local wildlife supply or garden store. They are relatively inexpensive, and range in price depending on the retailer, quality, and design. Choose one that you would like to roost in if you were a bat!

If you are experiencing bat infestation problems, or need to get rid of bats in the attic or other area in your home, call a licensed bat control contractor right away. They retain the proper tools, training, and equipment to safely and humanely remove bats and relocate them to a faraway habitat. Never harm, trap, or kill bats! Ask your wildlife contractor about installing a bat house and they will be happy to assist you.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control

Call Louisville Bat Removal and Control at 502-553-7622 to get rid of bats in the attic, or other part of your property. We are DNR licensed and retain several years of experience in the wildlife rescue and control industry. We provide a wide range of bat removal and control services for residential and commercial properties, using only safe and non-lethal methods of exclusion. Call 502-553-7622 to learn more about bat houses and bat control in Louisville, KY.

Use These Common Kitchen Spices to Keep Bats Away

Bats are a wonderful advantage to us, being nature’s number one most effective insecticide. Bats consume millions of insects each night, eating their entire body weight in insects and more! They help keep our backyards, bon fires, camp grounds, and more, bug-free and comfortable! But bats can pose a problem for us as well, that is, if they find their way into the exterior or interior areas of our homes.

Bat infestations can cause costly structural damages and more, and it is no secret that bats can carry and spread infectious diseases like the Rabies virus. Also, their bat droppings grow spores that can cause a respiratory illness called Histoplasmosis.

They are helpful in nature, but a problem-pest in our homes. For this reason, it is wise to take action in order to keep bats away from your property. One effective precautionary trick to keeping bats away is using spices from your very own kitchen! Bats do not like certain scents, and some spices irritate their senses so they steer clear from their vicinity. These spices can be used to protect your property from regular bat presence and problems. Continue reading to learn which spices bats do not like and how to use them to keep bats away.

Organic Bat-Proofing Spices and Smells

Simply use these ordinary kitchen spices to create a perimeter around your property, or around any area you know bats have been more than once (i.e. entry points, hangout areas, etc.). Sprinkle a generous amount of one spice, or a combination of multiple spices, to create a boundary between your home and the bats. Bats will not like these smells and go other places that do not irritate their senses, remembering to not come back to your area.

Here are some spices that will do the trick!

• Menthol
• Eucalyptus
• Peppermint
• Cinnamon
• Cloves
• Chili Powder
• Spearmint
• Cayenne Pepper
• Mint Extract
• Menthol Cough Drops (crushed)

If you have a bat infestation or bat problem, call a local bat removal and control company for safe and humane exclusion services you can trust. They retain the proper licenses, tools, and training to efficiently and effectively remove bats without killing or harming them. It is illegal to kill, poison, fumigate, or harm bats in anyway. It is strongly recommended to leave bat exclusion in the hands of experienced professionals.

Bat Removal in Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for professional bat removal and control services in Louisville, Kentucky and its surrounding counties. We offer a wide range of bat exclusion services for both residential and commercial properties. And our prices are the most competitive in town! Call 502-553-7622 and speak with a DNR licensed and insured Louisville bat removal and control specialist about getting rid of bats in your home or property.

Bats in the Basements are a Real Problem!

Specific signs can indicate that a home has a bat infestation somewhere on its property. Signs such as foul odors coming from the attic, strange clicking or chattering sounds at night, fallen roof shingles, and more are common indications that bats are present. No matter where bats are on or in a property, it is vital to get them out fast! Bat’s, although magnificent and beneficial mammals, fall under the nuisance wildlife category and can cause large amounts of structural damage to a home, as well as, jeopardize our health and the health of our beloved pets. Bats in the attic can simply mean a few loners have found a space to get warm, but if you have bats in basement, this is a big problem because it most likely means infestation. Continue reading to learn about the damages bats can inflict on our homes, and how to get rid of bats in the basement as fast as possible.

Remove Bats in the Basement

Bats, the only mammal capable of true flight, prefer higher elevations when it comes to roosting. This is why we commonly think about bats hanging from tree limbs or cave ceilings. For us, this means they typically enter houses at a high point, like the roof, chimney, or attic; however, if they have made their way to the basement of a home, the outlook is not good. This is because bats in the basement often means they have made the journey from the top of the home, all the way down to the bottom, likely occupying the walls and everything in between along the way. More structural damages occur this way. And damages leads to costly repairs.

A frequent mistake made by frustrated and frightened homeowners is sealing off the basement. For obvious reasons, this will only keep bats in, and does nothing to remove and prevent bat infestations from entering from above as they did before. A professional bat removal company can provide safe, humane, and effective bat exclusion services, as well as, bat-proofing strategies and more. Experienced wildlife removal contractors will even offer minor attic, drywall, insulation, and other bat damage restorations for residential properties.

Bat Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for professional bat removal and control in Louisville, Kentucky. We are DNR licensed bat exclusionists with decades of experience in the wildlife control industry. Our bat control technicians offer bat removal, bat cleanup, bat prevention, inspections, minor attic restorations, and much more for both residential and commercial properties. Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane bat removal services in Louisville, KY you can trust.

What is a Bat’s Natural Habitat?

All year round, countless species of bats use several varieties of habitats for shelter, roosting, breeding, feeding, traveling, and more. All across the country, bats are making homes and traveling back and forth between them. Many people think bats only live, thrive, and stay in caves, but the truth is, they are open to all kinds of locations in between their roosts! Continue reading to learn a few interesting facts about bat habitats and behaviors.

Bat Roost

A bat roost usually is located somewhere hidden and dark. Here, bats can stay protected from predators and harsh weather. Here they can also breed and nurse their offspring. Bats are known to have several roosts in different locations, and it’s the habitats they choose to hang out at that make for interesting conversation. There are two common habitats that bats like to use for hunting and traveling; foraging habitats and shuttling habitats. Foraging habitats are basically good hunting grounds, like fields, grasslands, parks, ponds, forests, woods, rivers, creeks, and more. These areas provide an abundant amount of insect and small wildlife that bats prey on for food. They can even take a gulp or two at a river or other waterway. Shuttling, or commuting, habitats are the areas bats use for traveling from one roost to another. These are typically safer passageways for bats, and can be trusted for easy and obstacle-free flying. These locations include wood and forest edges, river banks, and more.

When it comes to hibernating and breeding their young, bats prefer cave-like environments, as mentioned before. Since caves are not a common landscaping feature in city and urban areas, bats use other forms of dark and secure shelter; like buildings, dumpsters, tall trees, power lines, attics, culverts, residential properties, and more. If you have a bat infestation in your home or property, call a licensed bat removal and control company for prompt and professional assistance. Never attempt to kill, harm, trap, or touch a bat. Bats can carry several infectious and contagious diseases, but still do not deserve to be harmed. A professional bat exclusion specialist can remove a bat, or bats, and relocate them to a safe and faraway habitat.

Bat Removal Louisville Kentucky

Call 502-553-7622 for safe and humane bat removal in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained, DNR licensed wildlife contractors with decades of experience in the bat removal and control industry. We offer a wide selection of bat control services, like bat cleanup, minor attic restorations, bat proofing, and more. We also offer free estimates and information about how to get rid of bats, safely. Call 502-553-7622 for licensed bat removal services in Louisville, KY today.

What to Do if Bitten by a Bat

Bats are nocturnal mammals that are known to carry various communicable and contagious diseases. They are capable of spreading these illnesses either through their feces or saliva. Humans and domesticated pets are at risk of becoming infected with any of these diseases if contact with a wild bat occurs. This is why it is vital for people and pets to steer clear of bats if they ever spot one nearby. It is equally important to seek immediate care if ever bitten by a bat. Not all bats are infected, but it is safer to assume that they all may be.

Common diseases carried and passed along by wild bats include Rabies, Histoplasmosis, lice, mites, and more. Some illnesses are life-threatening, while others are not; but it is strongly encouraged to always keep your distance near bats and never attempt to disturb them, trap the, catch them, or touch them! Continue reading to learn what you should do if you or a loved one is bitten by a bat.

Treatment for Bat Bites

If you or a loved one are ever bitten by a bat, there are specific and critical steps that need to be taken in order to protect the victim. Remember to take immediate action and keep a positive mind! Below are the steps you should take if ever bitten or attacked by a bat:

1. Immediately Wash the Wounds with Clean Water and Antibacterial Soap
2. Maintain Constant Pressure on the Wounds to Stop Excessive Bleeding
3. Determine if the Bat is Inside or Outside
4. Contact a Louisville Bat Removal and Control Company to Capture the Bat
5. Have the Bat Submitted for Rabies Testing at the Local County Health Department
6. Make an Appointment with a Primary Physician to be Tested for Any Subsequent Illnesses
7. Outsource Bat Control Services to Bat-Proof Interior and Exterior Property

There is only one true and accurate method to determining if a bat is infected with a virus or disease. They must be captured by a licensed bat removal specialist, handed over to a Health Department, euthanized, and their brains examined. Although there are several physical and behavioral indications that a bat has Rabies or some other illness, not all bats are infected; instead, they are just carriers and show no signs of any disease. Never attempt to capture a bat. This is the most common way a person is bitten by one.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for DNR licensed bat removal and control services in Louisville, Kentucky. We are highly trained and experienced bat control specialists, and we offer a wide-range of services for residential and commercial properties throughout the state. Our friendly and professional bat removal technicians provide prompt, courteous, and efficient bat control services and cleanup at a price that anyone can afford. Call us today at 502-553-7622 and receive a free estimate for bat removal in Louisville, KY or its surrounding counties.

Discussing Differences Between Megabats and Microbats

There are over 100,000 species of bat all across the world. What’s even more interesting than that is, all these bat species fall into one of two categories: Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera. Colloquially, these are referred to as megabats and microbats. Bats come in all different shapes, sizes, and colors; but all of them will either be a megabat or microbat species. Bats are the only mammal on Earth capable of true flight. This is one of the most interesting and incredible characteristics of bats! All bat species, whether mega or micro, are special and unique. Let’s take a closer look at a few individual species of bat, and discuss the differences between Megachiroptera and Microchiroptera bats.

Microchiroptera Bats

Microbats are not called “micro” for no reason; they are the smaller of the two category bats. The smallest microbat, called the Bumblebee Bat, weighs only 2 grams! Other microbats are known to weigh only a few ounces, and range between 4 and 15 centimeters long. They are also called Echolocating bats, small bats, insectivorous bats, and true bats. Although they go by many names and have various sub species, all microbats use echolocation to locate and hunt for food. Echolocation, also called bio sonar, is a method of emitting calls or sounds into the surrounding environment, and waiting for the sounds to bounce of close-by objects and return. This creates a mental grid or map for a bat in hunt of prey at night. Microbats have an interesting diet that mostly consists of insects; but larger species prefer small prey like frogs, fish, small birds, lizards, aquatic organisms, and even smaller bats. A few well-known species of Microchiroptera include the Spotted Bat, Spectacled Bat, Mexican Free-Tailed Bat, Bumblebee Bat, Orange Leaf-Nosed Bat, Little Broad-Nosed Bat, and the Inland Forest Bat.

Megachiroptera Bats

Megabats are much larger than most microbats. They have large eyes and a keen sense of smell. In fact, these two senses are their principle asset in hunting and locating food. You see, Megachiroptera bats do not use Echolocation like the Microchiroptera (with the exception of the Egyptian Fruit Bat that uses high-pitched clicks to navigate in caves). Instead, they see and smell very well. Their diet is frugivorous and nectarivorous, meaning they consume only ripened fruit, fruit juices, nectar, and pollen from flowers. They have long tongues that can reach down to the bottom of flowers in order to get to the pollen. Megabats and plant life practice a form of mutualism called Chiropterophily. Bats consume, pass along, and eliminate pollen and fruit seeds, producing more growth and aiding in the pollination process. Common species of megabat include all Fruit Bat species, all Flying Fox species, the Hammerhead Bat, and the Long-Tongued Nectar Bat.

Louisville Bat Removal and Control

Call 502-553-7622 for professional bat removal and control services in Louisville, Kentucky today. We are highly trained and DNR licensed bat control specialists with decades of experience in the animal removal and control industry. We provide a wide-range of bat removal and control services; including bat removal, bat prevention, bat proofing, bat cleanup, minor attic restorations, emergency services, and more. Call 502-553-7622 and receive a free estimate regarding bat removal services in Louisville, KY and its surrounding counties.